These members of the hyacinth family are not widely known outside a few of the more common varieties and the sight of scilla peruviana, the largest of the genus, in full flower, is still often met with astonishment. The scillas we offer are good doers in sun or a little shade, in well-drained soil. S. peruviana & hyacinthoides do need sufficient moisture in late winter/early spring to flower well.
Scilla bifolia 'Rosea'
This is the less common pink form of the well-known blue s.bifolia. The blooms are held in a loose, conical form, the individual buds opening into starry flowers from the base upwards. Flowering in spring at 4" (10cm).Bulb size 5+ cmPack of 15 bulbs for £4.00
Pack of 50 bulbs for £11.00
Scilla hyacinthoides Blue Arrow
Wonderfully exotic looking species, with 12-18" (30-50 cm) stems of many starry blue/blue-violet, scented flowers in late spring/early summer. Hardy bulb for well-drained soil & a sunny site which enjoys plenty of winter/spring moisture. Seldom offered.
Bulb size 14+ cm
Pack of 3 bulbs for £13.50
Scilla litardierei (syn. pratensis)
Dense spikes of many flat, star-shaped, violet-blue flowers in early summer - much later than other species. Very pretty.Grow in sun/part shade & well-drained soil. Ht. 4-8" (10-20cm).Bulb size 6+ cmPack of 10 bulbs for £4.00
Pack of 30 bulbs for £11.00
Scilla peruviana
This mediterranean species produces a huge flowerhead of vivid violet-blue flowers above low-growing, fleshy leaves. Even before opening, the cone-shaped buds are stunning. Hardy bulb but do provide sun and excellent drainage. Ht. 10" (25cm). We offer top-sized bulbs, which should produce several flowers per bulb.Bulb size 20+ cm
Lower price for 2024Pack of 3 bulbs for £11.00
Scilla siberica 'Spring Beauty' AGM
Darkest blue form of the species, suited to rock garden or semi-shaded border. Hardy bulb. Ht. 2-4" (5-10cm).
Bulb Size 8/9 cm (larger bulb size for 2024)Pack of 10 for £5.00
Pack of 30 for £14.00